Join South Loop Neighbors
Your support helps ensure South Loop Neighbors can address the issues that matter most to you
as a South Loop resident. Your membership reflects your love of the South Loop and commitment to having a direct, powerful say in how the neighborhood should evolve. You'll also be joining a warm, friendly group of like-minded friends and neighbors.
Join today so that together we can shape the South Loop's future, preserve its past, and enhance its unique qualities.
Choose Your Membership Level:
Community Builder membership available to individuals, condo associations, institutions, businesses, or allied organizations
* Senior Members must be 65yrs or Older.
** Must show active student ID when using membership card.
Join or renew your membership today
Fill out a membership form and then submit your payment using PayPal or Credit/Debit of your choice.
Individual $35.00
Household $55.00
Senior* $20.00
Senior Couple* $40.00
Student ** $20.00
Community Builder $200.00